Qualifying Investments -- Equity Linked Saving Schemes Investments in equity linked saving schemes i.e mutual funds qualyfies for deduction u/s 80c but comes with a lock in period of 3 years. -- Unit Linked Insurance Plans ULIPs offer life insurance and equity investment in one package, eligible for deduction u/s 80c. -- Public Provident Fund Maximum investment in PPF can be Rs.70,000. There is a lock in period of 15 years. -- National Saving Certificate NSC has 6 years lock in period. Interest earned is deemed to be reinvested and is eligible for deduction u/s 80c. -- Infrastructure Bonds Bonds issued by companies are eligible for deductions u/s 80c. -- Bank Fixed Deposit Tax-saving fixed deposits (FDs) of scheduled banks with tenure of 5 years are eligible for deductions u/s 80c. -- Post Office Time Deposit Post Office Time Deposits with tenure of 5 years are eligible for deductions u/s 80c. -- Senior Citizen Saving Scheme SCSCs are only meant for senior citizens. Interest income is ...