His name that circulated among media channels that creates political tremors in the state. Advocate Rama Rao Hyderabad has complained to Jubliee Hills police two months back on Revanth Reddy illegal Assets. Since last two days he gave interviews to various media channels on why he filed complaint against Revanth Reddy. Media channels have circulated interesting stories on Rama Rao. One media channel openly lashed out Rama Rao in live on his criminal and civil cases. As per that channel, there were around 30 cases registered on Rama Rao. First, he was denied cases on him and later agreed that he has just 3 cases. Replying to the question on why he filed complaint just before the elections on Revanth, Rama Rao said that there is no political vendetta on this case. In another interview, Rama Rao said that he personally felt on Revanth comments on Velama community. Rama Rao statement creates trouble to ruling TRS. His statement would create among the people that Reddy and Velama comm...