Sri Reddy issue took ugly political turn and creating vibrations in Andhra Pradesh. Pavan Kalyan's suggestion to Sri Reddy on lodge complaint for her damage and Sri Reddy dragged Pavan's mother name in the issue. Director Ram Gopal Varma confessing that he prompted Sri Reddy to attack Pavan Kalyan that gives her enough publicity. All these developments occurred one after other since four days.
Pavan's midnight tweets against CBN, Lokesh and promoters of few news channels raised political heat in AP. As per his tweets that few channels helped TDP to criticize his mother in debates. TDP leaders said that Pavan was did all such things to divert CBN protest in Vijayawada. Pavan has decided to file suite against all Channels. On other side, channels too are ready to do the same thing against Pavan. It seems that Pavan is not ready mentally to face real politics before 2019 elections.
He himself exposed inability in handling politics to the people of AP as a party leader. One should sustain in politics after facing these shocks. Media support certainly require for any political party. Pavan should know that these Channels gave full coverage when he was travelled to CRDA villages or to Srikakulam district. Pavan should show some proofs on his allegations against TDP. Now-a-days every political party leadership should maintain good relations to electronic media and vice versa. What is the sanctity on Pavan allegations?
Pavan's midnight tweets against CBN, Lokesh and promoters of few news channels raised political heat in AP. As per his tweets that few channels helped TDP to criticize his mother in debates. TDP leaders said that Pavan was did all such things to divert CBN protest in Vijayawada. Pavan has decided to file suite against all Channels. On other side, channels too are ready to do the same thing against Pavan. It seems that Pavan is not ready mentally to face real politics before 2019 elections.
He himself exposed inability in handling politics to the people of AP as a party leader. One should sustain in politics after facing these shocks. Media support certainly require for any political party. Pavan should know that these Channels gave full coverage when he was travelled to CRDA villages or to Srikakulam district. Pavan should show some proofs on his allegations against TDP. Now-a-days every political party leadership should maintain good relations to electronic media and vice versa. What is the sanctity on Pavan allegations?