Please check the photo. It was in 1994 after TDP regains power in AP. Bhuma Nagi Reddy and SV Subba Reddy (father of Shobha Nagi Reddy) were met NTR along with their families.
In 1996, Chandra Babu Naidu (NTR was died) was selected Bhuma against them Prime Minister PV in Nandhyala. In 1991, PV majority was more than 5 lakhs but in 1996 his massive majority comes down below one lakh. It can only possible to Bhuma. PV retained Barampur in Orissa and resigned for Nandhyala. TDP was selected Bhuma as it's candidate in 1996 bye-election and Bhuma won over 4lakh majority against Gangula. Bhuma was elected again in 1998 and in 1999 bye-elections from Nandhyala. All the three times he defeated Gangula Pratapa Reddy.