Much waited "NTR" biopic has generated interest and curiosity among Telugu people and are eagerly waiting to see the movie for next Pongal. Director Krish take the movie into high after releasing first look of various characters in "NTR". Starting from Manadesam NTR's first movie first look till Sumanth appeared as ANR first look of every character in the movie has perfectly matched. But first look Rakul Preet Singh who is playing the role of Sridevi is not up to the mark.
Krish has unveiled Rakul's first look as Sridevi in Vetagadu rain song. As per comments from the fans and netizens, Rakul's First Look doesn't create any expectations and feel as normal after watching Rakul as Sridevi. Krish has got overwhelming response from fans and others after he released Sumanth (ANR) and Rana (CBN). Krish's Sridevi (Rakul) made people as uninteresting and not satisfied.
Of Course! we can't decide the fate of the movie by just one look. All these characters might have one or two scenes in the movie. Reportedly, Krish has initially plan to roll out Bollywood's Deepika Padukone as Sridevi. But for unknwon reasons, Rakul introduced as Sridevi which is selected by Krish. We have to wait and see how Krish's Sridevi will made impact on Silver Screen after the release of the Movie.
Krish has unveiled Rakul's first look as Sridevi in Vetagadu rain song. As per comments from the fans and netizens, Rakul's First Look doesn't create any expectations and feel as normal after watching Rakul as Sridevi. Krish has got overwhelming response from fans and others after he released Sumanth (ANR) and Rana (CBN). Krish's Sridevi (Rakul) made people as uninteresting and not satisfied.
Of Course! we can't decide the fate of the movie by just one look. All these characters might have one or two scenes in the movie. Reportedly, Krish has initially plan to roll out Bollywood's Deepika Padukone as Sridevi. But for unknwon reasons, Rakul introduced as Sridevi which is selected by Krish. We have to wait and see how Krish's Sridevi will made impact on Silver Screen after the release of the Movie.