The popularity of Social Media has
increased on each passing day. Literate people and youth are passionate in
using various platforms to share the photos and videos and to build friendship
with others.
Companies have increased the
allocations in annual budget for technical support in finding Bogus accounts.
Companies are deploying BOTs in massive scale as part of detection of Fake
accounts using different algorithms. In 2014, Instagram had removed millions of
SPAM accounts. Facebook cleaned up fake profiles that caused many pages lost
their overall likes. In 2018, Twitter used to delete millions of SPAM accounts.
Here are some of the points in finding out FAKE Social Media Accounts like
Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
How to spot fake Accounts in Instagram?
Posts against to the BIO.
Profile PHOTO is not realistic and shows sexy girl
or boy
Most of the Posts shared in a Single Day
Few PHOTOS shared but with TON of Followers (other
than Celebrity)
No.of followers are more than followings.
Higher number in Followers but Lower in Engagement
Overnight increase in Followers
Empty BIOs and No Profile PHOTO for longer period
How to spot fake Accounts in Facebook?
Weird BIO.
Profile PHOTO is downloaded from Google (Google
Image Search)
Account has 1 year old with just 1 conversation
Very Few PHOTOS found in old Account.
Account is created years back but found ‘0’
No recent Activity found since last few years.
Friendship requests even they don’t know each
Send private message and found no response
How to spot fake Accounts in Twitter?
Used Stock or Profile Image in Profile
Duplicate Tweets with same content found by BOT
Too many or Unrealistic number of Tweets from one
No.of Tweets in Single Digit and Following number
in Thousands
No Replies, No Re-Tweets and No Likes for Tweets
Following Number is more than 2K. MAX Following
limit is 2K
No Tweets for years together
Having no relation with screen name and URL