These two hashtags trend in social media. Car manufacturing companies are facing a lot of troubles because of the scarcity of chips for the last two years due to the coronavirus rampage. Almost all motor companies have slashed the production and targets of their products because of a lack of sufficient chips. Amid all odds, Hyundai manufacturing company lands into unnecessary controversy with one tweet. It faces heavy backlash after Hyundai’s Pakistani firm posted about the freedom of Kashmir. Hyundai is the second-largest auto-manufacturing company in India.
Pakistan Hyundai hid the tweet after raising questions from Indian netizens that views endorsed by Hyundai Global. They slammed Hyundai tweet over Kashmir. There were reports that some Indian social media users were blocked by Hyundai India for raising the controversial tweet on Kashmir. Hyundai’s sister concerned about Kia’s social media made some controversial remarks over Kashmir Issue. On the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day (February 05th), Hyundai Pakistan posted messages backing ‘Freedom of Kashmir’ on Twitter and Facebook. Kia also did the same which is a subsidiary of Hyundai group.
After getting a massive retort from Indians, a South Korean carmaker made a reprieve statement highlighting ‘Unparalleled Commitment’ to India. But the clarification statement was completely failed to convince Indians. Multinational Companies should understand the emotions and regional feelings of the people. Hyundai Global should make an apology statement on this. An MNC mocking India’s territorial integrity and sovereignty is a dangerous precedent.