We saw Suchi leaks and Wiki leaks create sensation both in Kollywood and Indian Politics. Now, Vishnuleaks take place in AP politics.
Thanks to Jena Sainiks to extract BJP State Vice President Vishnuvardhan Reddy past twitter messages and expose his irrigational comments on Kamma caste and heroines. It seems that he lost his credibility with these messages. In all his messages, he praised Reddy Community and criticized Kamma Community. Criticizing Heros Nagarjuna, NTR and Mahesh and praising Reddy Community leaders exist in his messages. One message he named female journalist with caste. In all his twitter messages, he praised Reddy Community leaders. He requested Heroine Tapsee to act with Nitin Reddy.
Recently, he starts attacking Jena Sena Chief Pavan Kalyan after he invited state BJP Chief Kanna to support Jena Sena protest in Vizag against AP Government sand policy. Jena Sena party cadre have searched his previous messages and exposed him before the media. Knowing the severity, Vishnu made a statement that third party is handling his twitter account and he is not responsible for their messages. The damage has already done to his image among the party. Reportedly, people made many complaints to BJP leadership at Delhi and AP. Now, he closed his official twitter account @VishnuReddyBJP.