United States is known for not only the
richest but as powerful country to outside people in the world. US too behaved in similar manner towards
developing and underdeveloped nations.
President Donald Trump said that
coming two weeks in April are going to be nightmare for US people. He predicts
minimum 100K people will died due to Coronavirus which is really shocking to whole
world. President openly expressed his ineffectiveness before the media. Right
from the beginning Trump’s attitude on attacking Coronavirus is in light
manner. He gave several contradictory statements on Coronavirus. First he says
that virus can’t do US and after that he blamed China for virus. Later, he
thought Coronavirus confined to one or two states.
Now, 50 states are looking towards
President’s help to fight on coronavirus. The coronavirus is the worst
intelligence failure in US history. US Health Ministry failed to assess the
situation on impact of Coronavirus. It is very sad that US don’t have enough
medical kits to do massive number of tests. It is really shocking to hear that
the rich nation is suffering for enough ventilators for patients. Whole Medical
system is exposed with just one natural calamity. Likeminded people follow the
leader in US. People are roaming towards streets in Florida and New Jersy even
after deaths increased every day. Finally! Trump knows the ground realty in US
and helpless in handling the crisis. US should learn from Taiwan and Vietnam in
attacking the crisis.