After CAA and abolition of Article 370, BJP is concentrating on increasing the population from one section of the people. BJP starts creating new population policies from its ruling states like UP and Assam.
BJP governments move to control over population which is the primary reason for all major problems. Now the question is should the BJP at Centre apply to the entire country. Instead of taking punitive measures like China, it is welcome that India has approached by spreading awareness on family planning to the people. China has changed its policy from the existing one child policy to three child policy where people can’t be convinced. China has changed the policy because of fear of the growing aged population in the country.
India successfully controlled the
population by creating awareness among the people. Some states are successful
and some are failed in controlling population. The national fertility rate is
2.2 which is almost 6 during the 1950's. If India will maintain the same
fertility rate, the population in India will remain constant. Assam and
UP are keenly focusing to check the growing population by implementing a two
child policy. UP and Bihar lead India in high fertility rate like 2.9 and 3.3
respectively and Assam have a fertility rate of 2.2. The Assam Chief Minister
said that population has drastically increased in some parts of the state which
is a real threat for the development in the state.
During the elections in 2017 in Assam, BJP promised women empowerment in the state. The party proposed a bar on people with more than 2 children from government employment and also linked government schemes to population control. UP has also followed the same path of Assam. The UP government brought the bill to disqualify people with more than two children from contesting local body polls. Congress party sees political angle in these two states. Congress party blamed BJP governments for forcefully implementing its hidden agenda. India’s population is 136 crores which is second to China.