First flight to Auckland takes off from Sydney after a gap of one year. It’s all emotional journeys among all passengers in the flight and for people who wait to receive in Auckland airport as well. Two island nations open bubble travel after one year.
When European nations closed their borders amid the coronavirus rampage, Australia and New Zealand were open borders. Hundreds of passengers have been making an emotional journey to New Zealand since Monday. Both governments are agreeing to open quarantine free travel between two nations.
are being reunited and babies met by grandparents for the first time as
Australia reconnects with New Zealand in the international COVID-19 travel
bubble. New Zealand was the first pandemic free nation in 2020. Over the past
year, New Zealand has been celebrated for its handling of the Covid-19 pandemic
but Australia is not. Elation and relief marked the opening of a
long-anticipated travel bubble between Australia and New Zealand at the
Wellington Airport. Children held balloons and banners and Indigenous Maori
performers welcomed the arrivals home with songs.