We heard about some dictators like Mussolini, Stalin and Hitler in the history. In 20th century, people have looked dictators like Saddam Hussain of Iraq, Gaddafi from Libiya and Robert Mugabe from Zimbabwe.
They were great crowd manipulators and keep their power remains at them. The sole aim of any dictator is possessing absolute power. Russian President Vladimir Putin passes law that may keep him in power until 2036. That means Putin allowed himself to run in two more elections keeping him in power until 2036.
A new legislation was signed by the Russian President Vladimir Putin may keep him Kremlin building till 2036. He is serving his 4th term as Russian President. The 68 year old former KGB officer has ruled the country for more than 20 years. It is longer than any other Kremlin leaders since Josepf Stalin who ruled the erstwhile Soviet Union for less than 20 years. The opposition criticized the constitutional vote, arguing that it was tarnished by widespread reports of pressure on voters and other irregularities, as well as a lack of transparency and hurdles hindering independent monitoring.
New legislation prevents anyone with a
foreign citizenship from running for the Kremlin. New legislation changes were
backed in a public vote in July 2020. Since 2 years, Putin is facing political
heat from Alexei Navalny who dared to expose Putin corruption through social
media. He was poisoned when Navalny was in Europe and gets imprisoned after he
returned from Germany. He made opposition in silent and now it is challenging
to him to get popularity within the Russia. After seeing the developments in
Russia, many people came to know importance of Democracy.